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Right Body For You With a Spotlight on Weight

jue, 27 abr


New York

Are you comfortable with your body's weight? Do you enjoy your body or are you judging it for its size and weight? What would being grateful for your body as it is today create for you? Join us for this One-Day Class Online or Live in NYC

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Right Body For You With a Spotlight on Weight
Right Body For You With a Spotlight on Weight

Time & Location

27 abr 2023, 9:30 – 16:00

New York, 99 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016, USA

About the Event

Right Body For You With a Spotlight on Weight

Online and In-Person

Monday, April 27th from 9:300 am - 4:30 pm EST,  3:30 pm - 10:30 pm CET

Find your time here

Are you joyful with your body and the size and weight it has today?  What if your body is creating exactly what you have been asking for?

Are you constantly judging your body's weight and then wondering why your body is the way it is?  What have you decided you have to do to create the body you have judged as the perfect, right, correct body?

Where have you bought the point of view that having the body you decided you want, will make you happy?

What if you could have a different conversation with your body?

Join a one-day online and in-person class to experience a new creation of your body with the Access Consciousness tools 

Tools that can empower you to create change in places you concluded were impossible

What is truly possible for you and your body?

Right Body For You With a Spotlight on Weight

Online and In-Person

Monday, April 27th from 9:300 am - 4:30 pm EST,  3:30 pm - 10:30 pm CET

Find your time here

Looking forward to sharing this experience with you!

To get your copy of The Right Body for You Book you can click HERE


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